Help and information

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contents - This file.
helppls - Context related help on the PLS_Toolbox.
readme - Release notes for Version 4.1 of PLS_Toolbox.
demos - Demo list for the PLS_Toolbox.
evricompatibility - Tests for inter-product compatibility of Eigenvector toolboxes.
evridebug - Checks the PLS_Toolbox installation for problems.
evridir - Locate and or create EVRI home directory.
evriinstall - Install Eigenvector Research Product.
evriuninstall - Uninstall an Eigenvector Research toolbox.
evriupdate - Check for available PLS_Toolbox updates.
plsver - Displays version information.

<functionname> demo - Runs a short demo for each function. <functionname> io - Prints short version of the io. <functionname> help - Accesses the online help.

(Sub topic of Categorical_Index)

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