This page describes the evricompatibility function and its usage
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If mode ='install' returns a structure array of products which would be installed, and opens a dialog box indicating which toolboxes will not be installed because their version number is incompatible with this PLS_Toolbox version. If mode='debug' returns a structure array of products which are on the path
- [pds, badprods, errmsg] = evricompatibility(mode)
EVRICOMPATIBILITY runs in two modes according to mode='install' or 'debug'. When mode = 'install' it examines the version number of any EVRI toolbox products which are to be installed (these are located in sibling directories to the PLS_Toolbox directory). If the version number of an EVRI toolbox is compatible with the current PLS_Toolbox version then that toolbox will be included in the list of toolboxes to be installed. If it is not compatible (because its version is too old) then it will not be added to the list of toolboxes to be installed and the user is notified via a dialog box. When mode = 'debug' evricompatibility similarly checks the versions of all EVRI products on the matlab path and returns the list of those whose version numbers are compatible with the PLS_Toolbox version. It does not change the matlab path.
Evricompatibility is called by both evriinstall and evredebug.