Installing PLS_Toolbox

Using the PLS_Toolbox Windows Installer.
    It is recommended that Windows users use the PLS_Toolbox Windows
    Installer. Copy the .exe file to your Desktop (or other suitable
    local location). Then double click the icon and follow the
    instructions. Be sure to verify the location of the installation
    folder, by default it will be the "toolbox" folder of your current
    MATLAB installation. When the Installer has completed, it will
    prompt you to start MATLAB and run an install script. If MATLAB
    doesn't start see Step 2 below.

 Manually Installing PLS_Toolbox from ZIP File.
    Decompress the PLS_Toolbox ZIP file and move it to the MATLAB
    "toolbox" folder (e.g. C:\\Program Files\\MATLAB\\R2006a\\toolbox).

    Note: For those who already have a version of PLS_Toolbox
    installed, be sure the folders do not have the same name
    (by default they should not be). Rename your existing copy of
    PLS_Toolbox if necessary.

    For MATLAB to find PLS_Toolbox the directories that contain the
    toolbox files must be added to the MATLAB search path (except
    the @DATASET folder). (Note if you are familiar with installing
    toolboxes purchased from The MathWorks, this process is slightly
    different. TMW installers typically are able to set the path

    Start MATLAB and follow these steps:

      a) Start MATLAB and use the Current Directory toolbar to
         navigate to the PLS_Toolbox directory created in Step One.
      b) Once PLS_Toolbox is the current directory type evriinstall at
         the command line (in the COMMAND WINDOW):

         >> evriinstall

         A small dialog box will appear. Change the settings as need
         then click the Install button. EVRIINSTALL will add the
         PLS_TOOLBOX to the path, check for any installations
         problems, and output results to the command window.
      c) Near the end of the installation you will be prompted for
         your License Code. Simply copy and paste the code into the
         dialog box, click "OK", and the installation will complete.

Getting Started and Help
  Chapters 1 and 2 of the PDF document "PLS_Manual_4.pdf" (located
  in the main PLS_Toolbox folder) contains a detailed getting
  started guide and has a list of suggested manual readings.
  Type "helppls" at the command line to open the help browser to a
  list of PLS_Toolbox help topics.

See also:
evriinstall - Install Eigenvector Research Product.
evriupdate - Check for available PLS_Toolbox updates.