Try running evridebug. This utility (located in the main PLS_Toolbox folder) can diagnose many common installation problems. If you have problems running this utility, you may have to switch your working folder to the main PLS_Toolbox folder.
To determine if you have the most up-to-date version of PLS_Toolbox, run the function evriupdate.
If you are still having problems, review the list of frequently asked questions on our website at: http://software.eigenvector.com/faq
and you can contact our helpdesk at helpdesk@eigenvector.com.
Error and Bug Reports
Send bug reports to helpdesk@eigenvector.com
Please send your bug reports with the following information:
1) PLS_Toolbox Serial Number or account username
2) Result of executing "ver" at the MATLAB prompt
3) Result of executing "evridebug" at the MATLAB prompt
4) Exact errors you are receiving (if any)
5) Hardware and memory configuration (if reporting a memory issue)
6) Your contact information (can be omitted if you provide your username)
First Name:
Last Name:
Company Name:
Phone Country Code:
Phone Area Code:
Phone Main:
Phone Extension: