PLS_Toolbox contains a variety of tools to help you work with variables, models and data in the Matlab environment.
editds - Editor for DataSet Objects.
copydsfields - Copies informational fields between datasets and/or models.
comparevars - Compares two variables of any type and returns differences.
compressmodel - Remove references to unused variables from a model. [demo]
encode - Translates a variable into matlab-executable code. [demo]
explode - Extracts variables from a structure array to the workspace. [demo]
exportfigure - Automatically export figures to an external program.
findindx - Finds the index of the array element closest to value r. [demo]
getdatasource - Extract summary dataset info.
getplspref - Get overriding options (preferences) for PLS_Toolbox functions.
setplspref - Set overriding options (preferences) for PLS_Toolbox functions.
plsver - Displays version information.
besttime - Returns a string describing the time interval provided (in seconds).
reversebytes - Flips order of bytes in a word.
infobox - Display a string in an information box.
moveobj - Interactively reposition graphics objects.