PLS_Toolbox Documentation: comparevars< comparelcms_simengine compressmodel >



Compares two variables of any type and returns differences.



[status,msg] = comparevars(a,b,options)


Given any two variables a and b, COMPAREVARS looks for any differences. This function operates on any standard Matlab data type or a DataSet object and does not give an error when variables of two different types are passed..

With no outputs, the differences between the variables (or "None Found") is displayed. With one output, the boolean result of the comparison status is returned (1 = variables are completely equivalent). With two outputs, the comparison result is returned and a cell array of strings is returned listing the differences as a description msg.


     ignoreclass :   {} Cell array of classes which should be ignored during the comparison. If a structure or cell contains any objects of these classes, the values will not be compared. NOTE: any numeric class (double, uint8, single) should be referred to as 'numeric' to ignore comparisons.

     ignorefield :   {} Specifies one or more structure fields which should be ignored (not compared) in any structure.

  missingfield :   [ 'ignore' | {'difference'} ] specifies how to handle when one of two input structures does not contain the same fields as the other. 'ignore' simply ignores missing fields. 'difference' returns this mismatch as a noted difference.

See Also


< comparelcms_simengine compressmodel >