PLS_Toolbox Documentation: npls< normaliz npreprocess >



Multilinear-PLS (N-PLS) for true multi-way regression.



model = npls(x,y,ncomp,options)

pred  = npls(x,ncomp,model,options)

options = npls('options')


NPLS fits a multilinear PLS1 or PLS2 regression model to x and y [R. Bro, J. Chemom., 1996, 10(1), 47-62]. The NPLS function also can be used for calibration and prediction.


                         x =   X-block,

                         y =   Y-block, and

                 ncomp =   the number of factors to compute, or

                 model =   in prediction mode, this is a structure containing a NPLS model.


      options =  discussed below.


                 model =   standard model structure (see: MODELSTRUCT) with the following fields:

     modeltype:  'NPLS',

    datasource:  structure array with information about input data,

          date:   date of creation,

          time:   time of creation,

          info:   additional model information,

                         reg:   cell array with regression coefficients,

         loads:   cell array with model loadings for each mode/dimension,

                       core:   cell array with the NPLS core,

          pred:   cell array with model predictions for each input data block,

          tsqs:  cell array with T2 values for each mode,

  ssqresiduals:  cell array with sum of squares residuals for each mode,

   description:   cell array with text description of model, and

        detail:  sub-structure with additional model details and results.


             options =   options structure containing the fields:

              display:  [ 'off' | {'on'} ], governs level of display to command window,

                  plots:  [ 'none' | {'final'} ], governs level of plotting,

outputregrescoef: if this is set to 0 no regressions coefficients associated with the X-block directly are calculated (relevant for large arrays), and

    blockdetails:  [ {'standard'} | 'all' ], level of detail included in the model for predictions and residuals.

See Also

datahat, explode, gram, modlrder, mpca, ncrossval, outerm, parafac, tld, unfoldm

< normaliz npreprocess >