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PLS_Toolbox Documentation: lmoptimize | < leverag | lmoptimizebnd > |
Levenberg-Marquardt non-linear optimization.
[x,fval,exitflag,out] = lmoptimize(fun,x0,options,params)
Starting at (x0)
LMOPTIMIZE finds (x) that minimizes the
function defined by the function handle (fun) where (x) has parameters. The function (fun) must supply the
Jacobian and Hessian i.e. they are not estimated by LMOPTIMIZE (an example is provided in the
Algorithm Section below).
The objective function is defined as , where
is a
x1 vector. The
the symmetric Hessian
are defined as
Two types of calls to the function fun are made. The first type is used often and is a simple evaluation of the function at x given by
fval = fun(x,params1,params2,...);
The second type of call returns the Jacobian and Hessian
[fval,jacobian,hessian] = fun(x,params1,params2,...);
Therefore, to enhance the speed of the optimization, the M-file that evaluates the objective function should only evaluate the Jacobian and Hessian if nargout>1 as in the following example.
function [p,p1,p2] = banana(x)
%BANANA Rosenbrock's function
% x = 2 element vector [x1 x2]
% p = P(x) = 100(x1^2-x2)^2 + (x1-1)^2
% p1 = P'(x) = [400(x1^3-x1x2) + 2(x1-1); -200(x1^2-x2)]
% p2 = P"(x) = [1200x1^2-400x2+2, -400x1; -400x1, 200]
% p is (fval)
% p1 is (jacobian)
% p2 is (Hessian)
%I/O: [p,p1,p2] = banana(x);
x12 = x(1)*x(1);
x13 = x(1)*x12;
x22 = x(2)*x(2);
alpha = 10; %1 is not very stiff, 10 is The stiff function
p = 10*alpha*(x13*x(1)-2*x12*x(2)+x22) + x12-2*x(1)+1;
if nargout>1
p1 = [40*alpha*(x13-x(1)*x(2)) + 2*(x(1)-1);
p2 = [120*x12-40*x(2) + 2, -40*x(1);
-40*x(1), 20]*alpha;
This example shows that the Jacobian and Hessian are not
evaluated unless explicitly called for by utilizing the nargout command. Since estimating (output p1) and
(output p2) can be time consuming,
this coding practice is expected to speed up the optimization.
A single step in a Gauss-Newton (G-N) optimization, is given as
where the index corresponds to the step number.
A problem with the G-N methods is that the inverse of the Hessian may not exist at every step, or it can converge to a saddle point if the Hessian is not positive definite [T.F. Edgar, D.M. Himmelblau, Optimization of Chemical Processes, 1st ed., McGraw-Hill Higher Education, New York, NY, 1988]. As an alternative, the Levenberg-Marquardt (L-M) method was used for CMF [K. Levenberg, Q. Appl. Math 2 (1944) 164; D. Marquardt, S.I.A.M. J. Appl. Math 11 (1963) 431; Edgar et al.]. A single step for the L-M method is given by
where is a damping parameter and
is a
matrix. This has a direct analogy to ridge regression [A.E. Hoerl, R.W. Kennard,
K.F. Baldwin, Commun. Statist. 4 (1975) 105] with
, the ridge parameter,
constraining the size of the step. This method is also called a damped G-N
method [G. Tomasi, R. Bro, Comput. Stat. Data Anal. in press (2005)]. There
are several details to implementing the L-M approach [M. Lampton, Comput. Phys.
11 (1997) 110]. Details associated with the LMOPTIMIZE function are discussed here.
At each iteration in the algorithm, the inverse of must be estimated.
As a part of this process the singular value decomposition (SVD) of
is calculated
Note that the left and right singular vectors are the same
(and equal to )
because the Hessian is symmetric. If the optimization surface is convex,
will be
positive definite and the diagonal matrix
will have all positive values on
the diagonal. However, the optimization problem may be such that this is not
the case at every step. Therefore a small number
is added to the diagonal of
in an effort to
ensure that the Hessian will always be positive definite. In the algorithm
, where
is the largest
singular value and
is the maximum condition number
desired for the Hessian [
is input as options.ncond]. This can be
viewed as adding a small dampening to the optimization and is always included
at every step. In contrast, an additional damping factor that is allowed to
adapt at each step is also included. The adapting dampening factor is given by
where the
input to the algorithm as options.lamb(1).
It is typical that
is much larger than
. The inverse
for the L-M step is then estimated as
and is used to estimate a step distance .
The ratio is a measure of the improvement in
the objective function relative to the improvement if the objective function
decreased linearly. If
then a line search is initiated [
is a small
number input as options.ramb(1)].
In this case, the damping factor
is increased (so that the step
size is reduced) by setting
is input as options.lamb(2)], and a new
step distance
estimated. The ratio
is then estimated again. The
damping factor
is increased until
or the maximum
number of line search steps
is reached [
is input as options.kmax]. (If
sufficiently, the optimization resembles a damped steepest decent method.) If
the maximum number of line search steps
is reached, the step is “rejected”
and only a small movement is made such that
is input as options.ramb(3)].
If instead, the first estimate of the ratio is large enough
such that then
the line search is not initiated. If the ratio is sufficiently large such that
, where
then the
damping factor is decreased by setting
is input as options.ramb(2);
is input as options.lamb(3)].
A new value for is then estimated from
and the next
step is repeated from that point. The process is repeated until one of the
stopping criteria [options.stopcrit]
are met.
options = lmoptimize('options');
options.x = 'on';
options.display = 'off';
[x,fval,exitflag,out] = lmoptimize(@banana,x0,options);
plot(out.x(:,1),out.x(:,2),'-o','color', ...
[0.4 0.7 0.4],'markersize',2,'markerfacecolor', ...
[0 0.5 0],'markeredgecolor',[0 0.5 0])
See Also
function_handle, lmoptimizebnd
< leverag | lmoptimizebnd > |