PLS_Toolbox Documentation: regcon< purityengine registerspec >



Converts a regression model to y = ax + b form.



[a,b] = regcon(mod)

[a,b] = regcon(regv,xmn,ymn,xst,yst)


REGCON can be used to convert a model mod generated by the PCR, PLS, or ANALYSIS functions. The outputs are the regression coefficients a and the intercept b such that y = ax + b. In this case the I/O syntax is:


[a,b] = regcon(mod)

REGCON can also be used to convert the individual parts of a regression model, including the column vector of regression coefficients regv, predictor variable means xmn, predicted variable means ymn, predictor variable scaling xst, and predicted variable scaling yst. If xmn or ymn is not supplied or is set equal to 0 or [], then it is assumed to be zero (i.e. no centering was used in the model). If xst or yst is not supplied or is set equal to 0 or [], then it is assumed to be one (i.e. no scaling was used in the model). In this case the I/O syntax is:


[a,b] = regcon(regv,xmn,ymn,xst,yst)


[a,b] = regcon(mod);                using REGRESSION model

[a,b] = regcon(regv,xmn,ymn);       mean centered only

[a,b] = regcon(regv,xmn,ymn,xst,yst); mean centered and scaled

[a,b] = regcon(regv,xmn,ymn,[],yst); x data centered but not scaled

[a,b] = regcon(regv,0,0,xst,yst);   x and y scaled by not centered

See Also

analysis, auto, mncn, modlpred, modlrder, pcr, pls, ridge

< purityengine registerspec >