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PLS_Toolbox Documentation: auto | < areadr | autocor > |
Autoscales a matrix to mean zero and unit variance.
[ax,mx,stdx,msg] = auto(x,options)
[ax,mx,stdx,msg] = auto(x,offset)
options = auto('options')
[ax,mx,stdx] = auto(x) autoscales a matrix x and returns the resulting matrix ax that has columns with mean zero and unit variance. Output mx is a vector of means, and stdx is a vector of standard deviations. mx and stdx can be used to scale new data (see SCALE).
The optional input offset is added to the standard deviations before scaling and can be used to suppress low-level variables that would otherwise have standard deviations near zero.
The default options can be retreived using: options = auto('options');.
See Also
gscale, medcn, mncn, normaliz, npreprocess, regcon, rescale, scale, snv
< areadr | autocor > |