Changes and Bug Fixes in Version 3.5.3

evriupdatesettings - GUI for changing update settings.
legendname - Assign legend tags to object handles.
logdecay - Mean centers and variance scales a matrix using the log decay of the variable axis.
crossval - correct RMSECV for samples which are always in, calibration set (important with custom cvi only). corrected error in PCA cross-validation mode. added less memory-intensive but slow PCA mode. (triggered by option OR by out of memory error when using fast mode).   [demo]
editds - fix for Mac resize bug.
evriinstall - add check for updates. add check for R12, error for no true/flase.
evrirelease - change to contents.m as source of release info. add product lookup. add path output.
evriuninstall - fix pathsep bug.
evriupdate - added automatic check functionality and settings GUI. add multiple product check and display.
false - removed function (caused warnings in R14).
gaselctr - fixed bug when "pause" clicked more than once.   [demo]
getplspref - mulitple bug fixes.
info.xml - change to new format, now validated dynamically.
ncrossval - fixed bug in rmsecv,press & cumpress with multiple y's.   [demo]
pcr - fix apply bug associated with T^2 limits.   [demo]
plotgui - fix for Mac resize and 7.1.
plotscoreslimits - fix PCR scores limits error. better axis limits handling.
plsda - fix error when no y supplied and x is not DSO. Prediction model type now PLSDA_PRED. do not clear y-block datasource information.   [demo]
plsdaroc - allow display of roc plot, threshold plot or both. allow display of prediction in ROC plots. fix warning when no samples in class or out of class. show estimated thresholds on plots.
plshelpconfig - hardcode help location.
preprocatalog - add logdecay.
true - removed function (caused warnings in R14).