PLS_Toolbox Documentation: evriupdate< evriinstall ewfa >



Check the Eigenvector Research web site for PLS_Toolbox updates.



outofdate = evriupdate(quiet)


EVRIUPDATE checks the Eigenvector Research web site for the version number of the most up-to-date PLS_Toolbox version. This is compared to the currently installed PLS_Toolbox version and gives a dialog message whether or not a newer version is available.

The optional input quiet is a flag which, when set to 1 (one) will limit evriupdate to reporting only if there is a more current PLS_Toolbox version available (i.e. no message is given if the installed version is up-to-date). When quiet is set to 2 (two), no messages will be reported.

The optional output outofdate will be 0 (zero) if the installed version is up-to-date, 1 (one) if the installed version is out-of-date and -1 if the most current version number could not be determined (usually due to a problem accessing the web site).

See Also

evridebug, evriinstall

< evriinstall ewfa >