Release Notes MIA Toolbox Version 2 9
From Eigenvector Documentation Wiki
Version 2.9 of MIA_Toolbox and Solo+MIA (version 7.8) was released in June, 2014
For general product information, see MIA_Toolbox Product Page. For information on Solo+MIA, seeSolo+MIA Product Page.
- Updated to be compatible with PLS_Toolbox/Solo 7.8
- camecard / rawread -include file source information in output and better error on multiple file read attempt
- cropimage -Add image axisscale handling
- writeenvi -Added new writer for ENVI format
- lispixrawreadr
- Add source info after importing
- Add support for new keys (which do not belong to the lispix format standard) in the .rpl file. These allow specifying binning of the depth (channel) dimension, or only reading a sub-rectangle of the image in height and width.
- Improved speed and memory performance
- Add waitbar and ability to terminate by closing waitbar.
- Add support for specifying depth axisscale from .rpl file using keys depthscaleorigin, depthscaleincrement, depthscaleunits.
- Add name and author information to DSO.
- maxautofactors Significant revisions
- permute_img / transpose_img -added new "permute_img.m" method (allows full permutation control over n-way images)