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Automatic creation of subplots and plotting.
- [rows,cols] = mplot(n,options)
- [rows,cols] = mplot([rows cols],options)
- [rows,cols] = mplot(rows,cols,options)
- [rows,cols] = mplot(y,options)
- [rows,cols] = mplot(x,y,options)
Inputs can be one of four forms:
(1) the number of subplots requested n, "best fit" onto the figure
(2) the number of rows and columns for the subplot array [rows cols]
(3) or data to plot y with or without reference data for the x-axis x. Each column of y is plotted in a single subplot on the figure.
Outputs are the number of rows rows and columns cols used for the subplots.
Example 1. To automatically create a "best fit" of four empty subplots
Example 2. To automatically create four subplots in a 4 x 1 arrangement
mplot([4 1])
Example 3. To automatically plot three random columns, each in its own subplot
- center: [ {'no'} | 'yes' ] governs centering of "left-over" plots at bottom of figure (when an uneven number of plots are to be fit onto the screen,
- axismode : [ {} | 'tight' ] governs axis settings,
- plots : [ 'none' | {'final'} ] governs creation of axes. If set to 'none', no axes are created and mplot only returns the rows and columns which would be used if axes were created.
When mplot is doing the "best fit", it attempts to keep the number of rows and columns as close as possible in size (Except for n=3 which is done as a 3x1 figure). Thus, the plot progression is: 1x1, 2x1, 3x1, 2x2, 3x2, 3x3, 4x3, etc.