Dataset augment
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Generic concatenation of DataSet objects and adds class.
- z = augment(dim,a, b, c, ... );
Does cat then adds a new class for conctenated items. By default the concatenated class set will be named "Augmented Data" and be reused on additional concatenations.
If dim = -1 then dialog box appears for what dimension to augment in. The code will look for matching sizes in dimesions of first and second dataset inputs for dimensions that are compatible. If only one found then will not show dialog. Returns empty if user cancels dialog.
If dim = 'some_string' then function will search for the first occurrence of the 'some_string' in the .classname field and make that the dimension and set for the augmented data class.
The following concatenates two DataSet objects, a and b, along the third dimension (slabs):
z = augment(2,dataset(rand(10)),dataset(rand(10,5))); z.classid{2}' ans = 'Augmented Data 1' 'Augmented Data 1' 'Augmented Data 1' 'Augmented Data 1' 'Augmented Data 1' 'Augmented Data 1' 'Augmented Data 1' 'Augmented Data 1' 'Augmented Data 1' 'Augmented Data 1' 'Augmented Data 2' 'Augmented Data 2' 'Augmented Data 2' 'Augmented Data 2' 'Augmented Data 2'
See Also
dataset, datasetdemo, dataset_cat, dataset_horzcat, dataset_horzcat, dataset_vertcat