Cat img
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Concatenate image DSOs in specific direction.
- out = cat_img(imgs,domain,mode)
- out = cat_img(mode,img1,img2,img3,...) %alternative I/O
Concatenate images along mode direction in specified domain. If domain is "spatial", mismatched areas will be infilled with NaN and marked as "excluded".
If input imgs and domain are omitted, the input format is expected as the spatial mode to concatenate on (mode) followed by two or more type image DataSets (domain is assumed to be 'spatial'). This input format is the second example under Synopsis.
- imgs - cell array of images (DSO or numeric).
- domain - {'spatial' 'variable'} identify type of concatenation.
- mode - Dimension to concatenate in, 1, 2, or 3. If value is 0 then images will be tiled.
- out - Image DSO with blank space as NaN and excluded.
>> img1 = imread('EchoRidgeClouds.jpeg','jpeg'); >> %Make demo images. >> img1 = img1(1:200,1:100,:); >> img2 = img1; >> img1 = buildimage(img1); >> img2 = buildimage(img2); >> % Create tiled image. >> tile_img = cat_img({img1 img2 img2 img1 img1},'spacial',0); >> size(tile_img.imagedata) ans = 400 300 3 >> % Cat images in 3rd dim (add slabs to your image). >> z_img = cat_img({img1 img2},'variable',2); >> size(z_img.imagedata) ans = 200 100 6