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Reads Bruker XRPD RAW files into a DataSet object.


data = brukerxrpdreadr(filename,options)
data = brukerxrpdreadr({'filename' 'filename2'},options)


Input is the filename of a Bruker XRPD RAW file (or a list of filenames) to read. If omitted, the user is prompted for a file. Multiple input files must contain the same axisscale for the wavelength (variables) mode. The imported files are returned in a Dataset Object.

Optional Inputs

  • filename = specifies the file(s) to read using:
(a) a string specifying a single file to read
(b) a cell array of strings specifying multiple files to read
If fname is an empty string or matrix or is not supplied, the user is prompted to identify file(s) to load.
  • options = an optional options structure. See Options below.


  • data = normally a DataSet object with the data read from all files. If nonmatching option is 'cell' and selected files did not have matching axis scales, then data will be a cell array with one file's data in each cell.


Input 'options' is an options structure containing the following fields

  • nonmatching : [ 'error' | 'cell' |{'match'}] Governs behavior when multiple files are being read which cannot be combined due to mismatched types, sizes, etc. 'match' aligns all files to axis scale on first file, 'cell' returns cell (see outputs, above) 'error' throws an error.
  • multiselect: [ 'off' | {'on'} ] governs whether file selection dialog should allow multiple files to be selected and imported. Setting to 'off' will restrict user to importing only one file at a time.
  • waitbar: [ 'off' |{'on'}] Governs display of a progress bar when doing multiple file reading.

See Also

Data Importing Formats, jcampreadr, opusreadr, pereadr, spareadr, spcreadr, writespc, xclreadr

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