TrendTool EVRIGUI Object
Contents |
These are the methods defined for the TrendTool interface when accessed through an EVRIGUI object. The following methods are called by referring to the given EVRIGUI object, followed by the method to be accessed. For example, given an EVRIGUI object in the workspace called "obj", the following call sets the data currently being analyzed in the interface to the contents of the variable data:
And this call would return the current results of applying the current markers to the current data:
results = obj.getResults;
The specific methods available are described in the sections below.
The following methods are available for TrendTool objects.
.autosetMarkers | Automatically adds a marker (position defined by other markers and data size). |
.clearMarkers | Clears all currently set markers. |
.drop(item) | Automatically loads item (data or markers model) into TrendTool. |
.getData | Retrieve currently loaded data being analyzed in TrendTool. |
.getDataId | Retrieve SharedData handle of currently loaded data in TrendTool. Allows direct modification of DataSet object and selections. |
.getMarkers | Retrieve model of currently defined markers. This model can be reloaded using .setMarkers or applied to new data using standard model application approaches. |
.getResults | Retrieve DataSet object containing trend results obtained by applying the current markers model to the currently loaded data. If one or the other is not loaded, an empty DataSet object is returned. |
.setData(data) | Load the given data object into TrendTool. Any existing data is overwritten. |
.setInterpolation(level) | Sets the level of spatial interpolation for images. When (level) is 1, no interpolation is performed. Other values define the ratio of interpolated pixels to orginal pixels (i.e. 4 = create 4 pixels for every original pixel; 4x oversampling) |
.setMarkers(model) | Load the given markers model into TrendTool. Any existing markers are overwritten. |
.setPlottype(type) | Switches the trend view plot type from either automatic (type=) or 3D surface (type='surface'). Surface is only available for image data types. |
.simpleSpec(mode) | Specifies if "simple spectra" mode should be on (1) or off (0). Simple Spectra mode allows faster updating of display, but fewer options for control of displayed data (no longer controlled by Plot Controls figure). Input mode is either 1 (one) or 0 (zero). |
.viewSpec(index) | Specifies the index (or indicies) of the rows to show in the main trend tool window. Input index can be any valid index into the rows of the data matrix or a value of zero to show the mean of the data. |
Generic GUI Methods
These methods provide simple access to simple GUI actions such as controlling the visibility of the GUI and closing or creating the GUI
.close | Forces the GUI to close |
.create | Used to create a new GUI - NOTE: This method is called automatically by the main EVRIGUI object and should not be called directly by the user (an error will always be thrown in that situation) |