Release Notes Version 6 0 1
From Eigenvector Documentation Wiki
Contents |
Changes and Bug Fixes in Version 6.0.1
New Functions and Files
- evrimovepath - Move all Eigenvector products to the top or bottom of the Matlab path.
Fixes and Enhancements
High-Level Fixes
- Fix for error applying old PLS models which do not have the orthogonalize field
- Fix incorrect RMSEP calculated during cross-validation when test data present and certain preprocessing methods are used (ONLY affects results displayed in Model block - RMSEP in Prediction block OK)
- Fix LWR bug where prediction always uses algorithm = 'globalpcr' and regression LVs of "automatic" (when applying to new data).
- Fix for error applying MCR model to new data when concentration equality constraints were used in building model
- Fix to allow bin size >2 in Coadd settings interface
- Significant improvements to model cache speed performance
- Add model cache reset menu item
- Allow direct control over tails option for Savitzky-Golay methods when called from Preprocess window (use setplspref('savgolset','tails','____') to choose tail option in GUI)
- Change linetype of TRENDTOOL plots to points if x-axis isn't continuously increasing or has missing data
- Enable viewing of classes in Preprocess before/after plots if classes are present
- Add move path functionality to Workspace Browser help menu.
- Avoid opening multiple DataSet editor figures for the same DataSet object.
Low-Level Fixes
- Fix for error when Undo Prepro checkbox is clicked and model was cleared
- Fix for cross-validation window not being re-enabled when certain methods were selected
- Fix for indexing error when viewing standard deviation with classes and some non-finite data
- Fix for error displayed when mousing-over dendrograms when the class table was incomplete
- Fix for error using GLSW when called with all zero classes (treat as one block rather than giving error)
- Fixed bug in COV_CV when multiple eigenvalues <eps appear
- Fix for warnings displayed when Eigenvector Movies list cannot be updated.
- Fix for Workspace Browser window being too small (either old position or after resize) and throwing "width,height must be > 0" error
- Assure that images have image-mode information included when in data summary mode (e.g. view classes with mean or std of image data didn't show classes)
- Fix for legacy shortcut selections in Workspace Browser (assure some shortcuts show)
- Fix for bug reading multiple mismatched ASF files from a cell array (give better message)
- Allow setting of NPLS options in Analysis window
- Allow using report writer even when no X-block data is currently loaded