Release Notes Version 5 8 3

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Changes and Bug Fixes in Version 5.8.3

New Functions and Files

exteriorpts - Finds pts on the exterior of a data space.

Bug Fixes

asfreadr Added new yaxis type units (counts/20k) and added code to assume "unknown" units when either x or y type isn't recognized.
autoimport When paste of plain-text from clipboard can't be read as an XML, try parsing using parsemixed.
coadd Only use "mean" mode of coadding axisscale.
editds Fix for when extracting subsets of image data as Raw Data which returned only unfolded imagses (File > Extract Data > Raw Data).
evricompatibility If the current current pls_toolbox version (e.g. 5.8.2) is not in the compatibility matrix then look for the closest previous pls_toolbox version which is listed in the table (5.8).
lwr Fix for missing include information.
modlrder Add SVM info (type, kernel type, optimal parameters) to the dropdown appearing when you mouseover the model or pred box in the analysis flowchart.
parsemixed if passed a string (rather than a cell), split into multiple rows but do NOT split columns (i.e. linebreak ONLY).
parsexml Fix for string array creation where empty string tags would not be added to array.
plotgui Drop toolbars when spawning static view of plot.
spcreadr Fix for reading multifiles with unevenly spaced X axis.
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