From Eigenvector Documentation Wiki
Changes and Bug Fixes in Version 5.0.3
hjyreadr |
Reads HORIBA Jobin Yvon files (needs LabSpec ActiveX control installed). |
analysis |
Multiple menu fixes. |
autoimport |
Import text files WITHOUT GUI if the error
status is set to return errors without a GUI. |
editds |
Fix tab deselect bug. |
ipls |
Add logic to handle IPLS using
misclassification rates rather than RMSECV. |
modlrder |
Fix to show prediction information even if
preprocessing field is NOT present in structure. |
parsemixed |
Fix for empty cells in b which are not characters (due to, for example, a strangely formatted XLS file with empty elements). |
pca_guifcn |
Allow selection and plotting of multiple
items for Q and T contributions. |
Limit max PCs to 80% of max when using
robust model. |
Add ability to show both Calibration and
Validation sample contributions at the same time. |
Add legend information to plots. |
plotgui |
Add additional colorby controls. |
Allows true linear mapping of value to
color. |
Perform binning of colors to speed up
rendering. |
Fix legend problems (reduce # of items in
legend). |
preprocess |
Use lower level plotting function to improve
performance. |
stick |
Improve speed and add hold to be compatible
with previously held plots. |