Release Notes Version 5 0 1
From Eigenvector Documentation Wiki
(Redirected from Release Notes PLS Toolbox Version 5 0 1)
Changes and Bug Fixes in Version 5.0.1
setwts | Sets weights outside the anticipated peak windows to zero. |
fitexp | Calculates an exponential curve and its fit to points. |
fitgauss | Calculates a gaussian curve and its fit to points. |
peakidtable | Writes peak ID information on present graph. |
registerspecdemo | Demo of the REGISTERSPEC function. |
browse | Enable all shortcuts in browse by default. |
choosecomp | Revise threshold algorithm to allow empty (which is now default) to indicate that algorithm should use mean delta of all values. |
editds | Fix for delete rows bug. |
Fix to allow deletion of last class in lookup table (empties class set). | |
fastnnls | Only do drawnow every once in awhile (avoids unnecessary slowdowns). |
gselect | Fixes which help 2008b compatibility. |
Fix hiding of toolbar on select (when 'toolbar' is set to 'auto'). | |
Fix to remove warning when doing xs, ys, x, or y selection. | |
jcampreadr | Add multiple file reading ability. Pass files in as cell array, output of DIR command, or point to multiple files when prompted |
Improve help. | |
Add options control of display. | |
Add waitbar for multiple file reading(and option to disable waitbar). | |
plotgui | Fix bug viewing Edit menu with 'noselect' turned on (happens with Eigenvalues plot). |
Fix for disappearing plot controls when they are closed (hidden) when docked. | |
plotguitypes | Do not downsize markers on non;pc platforms. |
plotscores_cls | Fix for bugs when viewing CLS scores with cross-validation and/or different combiations of no validation y-block present. |
plotscores_mlr | Fix for bugs when viewing scores with cross-validation and/or different combinations of no validation y-block present. |
registerspec | Fix bug involving data_i and findpeaks mode (initialize variable as cell instead of double for findpeaks). |
Add demo. | |
xclreadr | Fix concatenation bug when loading individual files which do not match up. |
xyreadr | Fix bug when loading multiple XY files. |