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Editor for DataSet Objects.
- h = editds(dataset)
- h = editds(dataset,keyword,...,property,value,...)
- h = editds(command,fig,auxdata) %for special actions only
EDITDS is a graphical user interface (GUI) for creating and editing dataset objects. Typing editds at the command line with no inputs will display the GUI. To create a new dataset, select New... from the File menu. Calling it with a dataset will display that dataset in a new GUI.
Use menu items to perform common tasks such as Saving and Including/Excluding data. Many of these tasks can also be performed graphically by clicking on the appropriate tab and editing the given control. Most heading controls have mouse-over tool tips to further help identify a particular control or column.
Data can also be plotted from the dataset editor via the View > Plot menu item or using the plot icon on the left side of the Info tab. Data can be edited directly via the Data tab and Variable labels and information can be manipulated vie their respective tabs.
- dataset: dataset object for editing
Optional Inputs
- keyword = one or more of the following key words to trigger the given mode:
- 'invisible' : make figure invisible
- 'noharddelete' : do not permit hard-delete on data
- 'asraw' : edit data as a raw matrix (no labels, etc)
- property,value = a property/value pair of one or more of the following:
- 'allowedmodes',[modes] : specify allowable tabs (-1 = info, 0 = data, 1-n = mode labels)
- 'editfields',[1 1 1 1] : specify which fields on label modes are editable
- 'mode',[0] : specify which tab is selected on startup
- 'toolbar',{toobarspecs} : add specified toolbar to image (replaces default toolbar)
- 'position',[left bottom width height] : set figure position
- h: handle to editds GUI figure