Changes and Bug Fixes in Version 4 0 2
From Eigenvector Documentation Wiki
- b3spline - Univariate spline fit and prediction.
- conload - Congruence loadings for PARAFAC, TUCKER and NPLS.
- evristartup - Example startup file.
- exportmodelregvec - Export model as regression vector (using regcon).
- jcampreadr - Reads a JCAMP file into a DataSet object.
- analysis - class selection PLSDAGUI (allows grouping of classes before calculation of PLSDA model).
- improved SIMCA interface performance. - add unique names to analysis interface and primary child plots.
- autoimport - added new utility to select which import method to automatically use.
- crossval - do not use fastpca with > 1000 variables.
- evriinstall - fixed cancel out of install bug
- glsw - fix bugs associated with y-values being equally spaced or having mean of zero.
- ipls - added MLR and PCR as options for algorithm (in addition to PLS).
- fix plot so that overall best RMSECV is shown (the one that matches the number of LVs at the bottom of the plot).
- matchvars - fix reordering bug for undo.
- nwengine - fixed bug in fitting new data to existing PARAFAC models where the algorithm was TLD or SWATLD.
- parsemixed - fixed bug which assigned a label name to both rows and columns
- registerspec - fix decreasing axisscale bug.
- fix only-one-peak-good bug.
(Sub topic of Getting_Started_Documentation_and_Help)