Principal Components Analysis
From Eigenvector Documentation Wiki
- chilimit - Chi-squared confidence limits from sum-of-squares residuals.
- datahat - Calculates the model estimate and residuals of the data.
- estimatefactors - Estimate number of significant factors in multivariate data.
- jmlimit - Confidence limits for Q residuals via Jackson-Mudholkar.
- knnscoredistance - Calculate the average distance to the k-Nearest Neighbors in score space.
- manrotate - Graphical interface to manually rotate model loadings.
- mlpca - Maximum likelihood principal components analysis.
- pca - Principal components analysis.
- pcaengine - Principal Components Analysis computational engine.
- pcapro - Projects new data on old principal components model.
- plotloads - Extract and display loadings information from a model structure.
- plotscores - Extract and display score information from a model.
- residuallimit - Estimates confidence limits for sum squared residuals.
- ssqtable - Displays variance captured table for model.
- subgroupcl - Displays a confidence ellipse for points in a two-dimensional plot.
- tsqlim - Confidence limits for Hotelling's T^2.
- tsqmtx - Calculates matrix for T^2 contributions for PCA.
- varcap - Variance captured for each variable in PCA model.
- varimax - Orthogonal rotation of loadings.
(Sub topic of Categorical_Index)