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Reads AIT PIONIR PDF files.


out = pdfreadr
out = pdfreadr('filename')
out = pdfreadr({'filename' 'filename2'})


Importer for AIT PIONIR PDF files.


  • filename = a text string with the name of a PDF file or a cell of strings of PDF filenames. If filename is omitted or an empty cell {} or array [], the user will be prompted to select a folder and then one or more PDF files in the identified folder. If filename is a blank string, the user will be prompted to select a single file.


  • out = If input is a single file, or multiple files containing data that can be combined (same number of data points, same x-axis range, same type of data), the output is a dataset object. If the input consists of multiple files, but the data cannot be combined, the output is a cell array with a dataset object for each input file (see the nonmatching option defined above)

See Also

Data Importing Formats, asdreadr, asfreadr, fluoromaxreadr, gwscanreadr, hjyreadr, jcampreadr, opusreadr, pdfreadr, pereadr, spareadr, spcreadr, writeasf, xclreadr

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