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Creates a histogram of the content of a given axes.


fig = histaxes(source,mode,options)


Creates a multi-layer smoothed histogram of all line objects on a given axes. The histograms are interpolated for cleaner viewing and the order of the layers can be changed by clicking on the individual histogram layers (one click brings a layer to the front, another sends it to the back). Objects with two or fewer points are not included in the histogram.

Optional Inputs

  • source = The figure or axes handle to histogram (default is the current axes; if a figure is supplied, the current axes on that figure is used).
  • mode = The mode of the axes to histogram (either 'x', 'y', 'z' or 'xy'; default is 'x') 'xy' creates histograms of both axes (in separate windows).


  • fig = handle of the created histogram figure.


options = a structure array with the following fields:

  • transparency : [60] Percent transparency for the layered histogram pieces.
  • nbins : [] The number of histogram bins to use (empty = choose the number of bins depending on the total number of points in the largest object on the axes. That number of points / 2 is the default.)
  • maxbins : [30] The maximum number of bins allowed in a histogram (overrides automatic selection of nbins.)
  • figure : [] Target figure for histogram. If empty, a new figure is created to contain the histogram.

See Also


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