Statistics ANOVA Experimental design Miscellaneous
From Eigenvector Documentation Wiki
- anova1w - One-way analysis of variance.
- anova2w - Two-way analysis of variance.
- anovadoe - Function to perform ANOVA for 2^k factorial model X, Y data.
- boxbehnken - Create a Box-Behnken Design of Experiments.
- ccdface - Create a Face-Centered Central Composite Design of Experiments.
- ccdsphere - Create a Spherical Central Composite Design of Experiments.
- corrmap - Correlation map with variable grouping.
- cov_cv - Estimation of a regularized inverse covariance matrix.
- distslct - Selects samples on outside of data space.
- doeeffectsplot - Create main effect or interaction plot, incl LSD bars.
- doegen - Generate a Design of Experiments (DOE) DataSet object.
- doegui - Design of Experiments tool.
- doeinteractions - Calculates interaction terms of a raw DOE matrix.
- doerunsheet - Create a doe run sheet.
- doescale - Convert coded DOE to scaled DOE or scaled back to coded.
- doptimal - Selects samples based on D-Optimal criteria.
- durbin_watson - Criterion for measure of continuity.
- exteriorpts - Selects samples on outside of data space after normalizing data.
- factdes - Full factorial design of experiments.
- ffacconfusion - Generates confusion table for a fractional factorial DOE.
- ffacdes1 - Fractional factorial design of experiments.
- ftest - F test and inverse F test statistic.
- halfnormplot - Produce Half-Normal or Normal plot from DOE dataset object.
- percentile - Finds percentile point (similar to MEDIAN).
- reducennsamples - Selects a subset of samples by removing nearest neighbors.
- stdsslct - Selects data subsets (often for use in standardization).
- ttestp - Evaluates t-distribution and its inverse.
(Sub topic of Categorical_Index)