The PLS Toolbox/Solo GUI Environment
From Eigenvector Documentation Wiki
Visited: The PLS Toolbox/Solo GUI Environment
PLS_Toolbox and Solo both contain a wide range of windows and interfaces to perform various data analysis tasks. The following is a list of topics which are useful for becoming familiar with the various windows available in these packages.
Key Interfaces
- Solo Windows - overview of interfaces.
- Workspace Browser - the PLS_Toolbox/Solo desktop.
- Analysis Window - the primary model building interface.
- DataSet Editor - the DataSet editing interface.
- Plot Controls - the figure editor/manager.
Other Interfaces and Topics
- Preprocessing
- Cross Validation
- Model Cache Help
- PLSDA Class Groups Interface
- Expert Preferences Window
- SIMCA Model Builder
- IPLS Variable Selection Interface
- SVM Function Settings
- Correlation Spectroscopy Window
- Calibration Transfer
- Experiment Designer
- Batch Processor
- A compiled PDF version of the basic Solo and PLS_Toolbox documentation is available here: However, note that the PDF version is a static copy and it will be updated less frequently than the Wiki version of the documentation.
- Because Solo is the stand-alone version of PLS_Toolbox, most of the documentation is applicable to both products. However, you may find that in some cases references are made to the "Command Line" or to typing some command. In most cases, the same behavior can be achieved through the menus and/or the Workspace Browser. However, there are some options and some functionality which is only available in PLS_Toolbox.