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Calculate and display ROC curve(s) for yknown and ypred.
- roc = roccurve(yknown, ypred, options)
ROC curves can be used to assess the specificity and sensitivity for different predicted y-value thresholds, for input y known and predicted.
- 1. yknown is a logical vector with dimension (n,1) and ypred is (n,m), then m roc curves are produced, one for each column of ypred. roc is a dataset with size (n, 2*m) containing column-pairs of Specificity and Sensitivity for each yknown vs. ypred pairing.
- 2. yknown is (n,m) logical and ypred is (n,m) then m roc curves are produced, one for each pair of yknown and its corresponding ypred column. roc is a dataset with size (n, 2*m).
- 3. If yknown is multi-column, (n,m), and ypred has a different number of columns, (n,p), then an error is thrown.
- first = first input is this.
- yknown = (n,1) logical vector, or vector of only 0's and another integer or (n,m) logical vector.
- ypred = (n,m) double array, m columns of y predictions.
- roc = Output is a dataset with the specificity/sensitivity data (roc).
options = a structure array with the following fields:
- plots: [ {'none'} | 'final' ] governs plotting of results, and
- figure: [ 'new' | 'gui' | figure_handle ] governs location for plot. 'new' plots onto a new figure. 'gui' plots using noninteger figure handle. A figure handle specifies the figure onto which the plot should be made.
- plotstyle: [ 'roc' | 'threshold' | {'all'} ] governs type of plots.
- 'roc' and 'threshold' give only the specified type of
- plot. 'all' shows both types of plots on one figure (default).
- Plot style can also be specified as 1 (which gives 'roc' plots) or 2 (which gives 'threshold' plots)