Image Importing Formats
From Eigenvector Documentation Wiki
Visited: Image Importing Formats
Image data can be imported into PLS_Toolbox (via MIA_Toolbox) or Solo+MIA from a variety of sources using File>Import Data (or similar) in the Workspace Browser, Analysis, and DataSet Editor windows. The process of constructing images occurs during the import. List of image import command line functions here.
Sources include:
- Cameca Ion-Tof BIF/BIF6 Image (BIF,BIF6)
- Physical Electronics RAW Image (RAW)
- Lispix Raw Formatted Image (RAW)
- OPOTEK ENVI Image Format (HDR)
- OPOTEK multi-layer TIFF files (TIFF)
- Image (Workspace/MAT file)
- Standard Images (JPG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, PNG)
Additional non-image specific import methods may be available in the standard menu.