Solo CommonApplicationFeatures

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Common Application Features

Solo contains several application features that are common to both the Workspace Browser window and the Analysis window as well as some other windows. Two of these features are the Options dialog box and the FigBrowser. See:

Options dialog box

Options are settings that affect the behavior of a function or window in Solo. You can modify the default values for options so that the behavior of the functions and windows in Solo better suits your working needs. When an Options dialog box first opens, the dialog box lists all of the options that you can modify for the function or window, grouped by category. The dialog box also lists the current value for each option and a description of the option. For example, the figure below shows the Options dialog box for the Workspace Browser window. The options that are listed in the dialog box affect the display properties for the Workspace Browser (such as icon size, font size, and icon font, which are grouped in the Appearance category) and the interactivity properties for the Workspace Browser (such as single-click behavior versus double-click behavior and dragging functions, which are grouped in the Behavior category).

Options dialog box
Options dialogbox.png

A variety of options are available for working with the dialog box:

  • The User Level setting is a filter that determines which categories are displayed in the Options dialog box and which are not. By default, the User Level is set to "Intermediate" in the Options dialog box, which meets the majority of users' needs. You can, however, change the level to "Advanced" to display additional categories for which you can modify the option values, or you can or change the level to "Beginner" to simplify the number of options that are displayed.
  • If a description is not displayed in its entirety in the Options dialog box, it is highlighted in pink. You can click on the description to view it in its entirety in the Description pane at the top of the dialog box, or you can simply resize the window.
  • To view the options for only a specific category, you can click the appropriate category in the Option Categories pane. For example, in the Options dialog box shown above, to view only the appearance options for the Workspace Browser, click Appearance in the Option Categories pane.
  • When you are entering or modifying a value for an option, you can hold your mouse pointer over a field to view specific instructions for entering the value in the field.
Viewing instructions for entering a value in an Options dialog box field
Value rules Option dialog box.pngA
After you enter the value, and then click OK, the Options dialog box closes and you return to the opened window or tool for which you made the changes. Any changes that you made are effective immediately.

Note: Most options are persistent (remembered from one Solo session to another) while other options apply to only the current session, or only the current window (such as the Method options in the Analysis window.)

Users of PLS_Toolbox may also find this page of use when working with options at the Matlab command line: Working With Function Options.


As you carry out an analysis, you can often generate multiple plots and other figures. You can use the FigBrowser utility for managing and viewing these multiple figures. This utility is available on the main menu of the Workspace Browser window, on the main menu of any analysis window, on the main menu of the Plot Controls window, and on the main menu of a Plot window.

FigBrowser option
FigBrowser option.png
  • Workspace Browser-Brings the open Workspace Browser window the front and makes it the active window.
  • Figure Thumbnails-Opens the Figure Browser window which contains all of your currently opened figures and provides you a quick way for navigating among them. (The Figure Browser window also displays the Workspace Browser window, any open analysis window, and the Plot Controls window.) Click on a figure thumbnail to bring the figure to the front and make it the currently active figure. After you click on a thumbnail, the Thumbnail window closes.
Figure Browser window
Figure Browser window.png
  • Find Figure-Lists all of the currently opened figures in a list by Figure title.

Note: Although this option provides another means of navigating among multiple figures, if you have two of the same kind of plot open, then the only difference by which you can discern plots is the figure title.

Find Figure option
Figure Browser Find Figure.png
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