Solo Predictor Example Connection Code
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The following provides some standard code pieces which can be used to make connections to Solo_Predictor. These examples may not be appropriate for all applications (e.g. none of these examples are asynchronous calls. They all 'block' the program execution until Solo_Predictor returns a result.) In addition, additional error checking and input/output parsing is required in most cases. Lots of other code examples can be found on the web by searching for sockets and the language of interest.
C# - Socket Connection
Although C# can easily use the EigenvectorTools .NET application to connect into Solo_Predictor, it may be useful to have a socket connection approach. The following demonstrates how to do this.
The example code expects three variables: ServerIP as a string indicating the server's IP address, Port as an integer giving the server's port number, and command as a string command to send. It returns Solo_Predictor's output in a variable called outputString. This code requires the following "using" declarations:
using System; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.ComponentModel;
Note that no object or function declarations are given in this code but would generally be required. This function also sets the ReceiveTimeout property on the socket to 2000 milliseconds. This setting can be adjusted as required by the application. The total time of most calls to Solo_Predict is 1/2 second or less (testing on a moderately featured system in 2007 indicated application of a PLS model to a 200 point vector took an average of 0.2 seconds including I/O overhead.)
TcpClient socketForServer; try { //make connection to server socketForServer = new TcpClient(ServerIO,Port); } catch { outputString = "ERROR: Failed to connect to server"; return; } //get stream and stream reader/writer NetworkStream networkStream = socketForServer.GetStream(); System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(networkStream); System.IO.StreamWriter streamWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(networkStream); try { //send command to server streamWriter.WriteLine(command); streamWriter.Flush(); //wait for and retrieve response string outputString; socketForServer.ReceiveTimeout = 2000; outputString = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } catch { outputString = "ERROR: Exception reading from Server"; } networkStream.Close(); // tidy up
VB – ActiveX
See the EigenvectorTools Visual Basic example.
VBA - ActiveX
The following is a more detailed example for Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Runable from Excel, this calls into Solo_Predictor passing data, loading an optional calibration transfer model, then loading a prediction model (regression is assumed here) and applying it. The results out of the "predict" function are either a string (indicating an error) or a double array with the prediction results (including T^2 and Q).
Function predict(data As Variant, Optional model As String = "", Optional caltransfer As String = "") As Variant 'INPUTS: ' data = array of numerical values to pass to Solo_Predictor ' model = filename (or XML) containing model to make prediction from (e.g. MAT file with single variable) ' caltransfer = filename (or XML) containing calibration transfer model to apply to data prior to model 'OUTPUTS: 'Outputs is the string returned from Solo_Predictor. If string starts with "ERROR" then an error occurred as 'described in the remainder of the string. Otherwise, the string represents a space-delimited string of numbers 'including: prediction(s) from the model, reduced T^2 from the model, reduced Q from the model. 'The last two elements of Dim solo As Object Dim status As Integer Dim msg As String Dim out As String Dim response predict = Null 'what to return if we fail 'start up solo Set solo = CreateObject("EigenvectorToolsV6.Application") solo.automation = True 'turn on automation solo.socket = False 'turn OFF sockets status = solo.startApp If status = 0 Then 'started (apparently) try sending blank command to get response status = solo.sendCommand(":version") End If If status <> 0 Then predict = "ERROR:" + solo.lastResponse Return End If 'truly started- do analysis 'create script to send to Solo_Predictor msg = ":plain;" 'define output format 'pass data as text msg = msg + "data='[" For k = 0 To UBound(data) msg = msg + Str(data(k)) + " " Next k msg = msg + "]';" If caltransfer <> "" Then 'load and apply calibration transfer model (if supplied) msg = msg + "xfer='" + caltransfer + "';" msg = msg + "data = data|xfer;" End If If model <> "" Then 'load and apply model msg = msg + "model='" + model + "';" 'load model msg = msg + "pred = data|model;" 'apply model msg = msg + "pred.prediction;" 'get predictions msg = msg + "pred.T2;" 'get reduced T^2 (1=95% limit) msg = msg + "pred.Q;" 'get reduced Q (1=95% limit) Else 'no model? just return data msg = msg + "data;" End If status = solo.sendCommand(msg) If status <> 0 Then predict = "ERROR:" + solo.lastResponse Return End If 'get last response out = solo.lastResponse If (StrComp(Left(out, 5), "error", vbTextCompare) = 0) Then 'found error - just return string predict = out Return End If 'no error - extract values Dim V As Variant Dim temp As String temp = "" While temp <> out temp = out out = Replace(out, " ", " ") 'keep replacing double spaces with single Wend 'until we aren't making changes anymore V = Split(out, " ") 'split into array 'convert to double Dim dout() As Double ReDim dout(0 To UBound(V)) For j = 0 To UBound(V) dout(j) = Val(V(j)) Next j predict = dout End Function Sub test() 'Example of how to call predict and handle the outputs Dim data As Variant Dim result As Variant Dim junk 'fake data - could load from spreadsheet instead data = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20) 'make prediction using model specified as second input result = predict(data, "C:\testfolder\testmodel.mat") If VarType(result) = vbString Then 'error occurred, show error junk = MsgBox(result, vbOKOnly, "Result of prediction") Else 'got results, show them (could be put into Excel spreadsheet instead) For j = 0 To UBound(result) junk = MsgBox(result(j), vbOKOnly, "Result of prediction") Next j End If End Sub
Matlab – Socket Connection
This code example runs in Matlab and makes use of Java commands to create a socket connection, send a message, and retrieve the response. It assumes that an input message exists in the variable msg as a string command to send and the server ip and port are in the variables srv and port.
import\*; import\*; %Create socket connection and socket reader and writers clientSocket =,port); iStream_client = clientSocket.getInputStream; iReader_client = InputStreamReader(iStream_client); outStream_client = clientSocket.getOutputStream; %create buffers for socket clientOut = PrintWriter(outStream_client, true); clientIn = BufferedReader(iReader_client); %send message to Solo_Predictor clientOut.println(java.lang.String(msg)); clientOut.flush; %wait for reply ready starttime = now; while \~clientIn.ready if (now-starttime)>60/60/60/24; error('No response from server') end end %read in reply and store in cell array rcv = {}; while clientIn.ready; rcv{end+1} = char(readLine(clientIn)); end %concatenate string reply with linefeeds if length(rcv)>1; rcv = sprintf('%s\n',rcv{:}); else rcv = rcv{1}; end