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Makes an empty standard peak definition structure.
- peakdef = peakstruct(fun,n)
The output of PEAKSTRUCT is an empty standard peak structure, or multi-record peak structure.
No input is required. Optional inputs can be used to create different types of default peak definitions in each of the structure records.
Optional Inputs
- fun = Peak function name {default = 'Gaussian'}. Available peak names (shapes) are:
- 'Gaussian', 'Lorentzian', 'PVoigt1', and 'PVoigt2'.
- n = Number of records to include in the (peakdef) structure.
- peakdef = A structure array with the following fields:
- name: 'Peak', indentifies (peakdef) as a peak definition structure.
- id: integer or character string peak identifier.
- fun: peak function name {e.g.'Gaussian'}.
- param: vector of parameters for each peak function:
- fun = 'Gaussian'; param = [height, position, width].
- fun = 'Lorenzian'; param = [height, position, width].
- fun = 'PVoigt1'; param = [height, position, width, fraction Gaussian], where 0 fraction Gaussian 1.
- fun = 'PVoigt2'; param = [height, position, width, fraction Gaussian], where 0 fraction Gaussian 1.
- Descriptions of the functions and parameters are given in the Algorithm section of the FITPEAKS entry in the reference manual. Also see PEAKFUNCTION.
- lb: vector of lower bounds on (.param).
- penlb: vector of penalties for lower bounds. If an entry is 0, then the corresponding lower bound is not active.
- ub: vector of upper bounds on (.param).
- penub: vector of penalties for upper bounds. If an entry is 0, then the corresponding upper bound is not active.
peakdef = peakstruct(,3); disp(peakdef(2)) peakdef(2) = peakstruct('PVoigt1'); peakdef(2).id = '2: Voigt'; disp(peakdef(2))
See Also
fitpeaks, peakfunction, peakgaussian, peaklorentzian, peakstruct, peakpvoigt1, peakpvoigt2