Other Deployment Resources

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The following table lists 3rd Party Applications which are known as compatible with Eigenvector deployment approaches. Click on the Application name to view a detailed page describing the interfacing options.

Eigenvector Research Deployment Approaches
Deployment Application Solo_Predictor Model_Exporter PLS_Toolbox Other
synTQ (Optimal Industrial Automation) Checkmark.png Checkmark1.png Checkmark1.png
SiPAT (Siemens) Ask! Checkmark1.png Checkmark1.png
SpectraRTS (Applied Instrument Technologies) Checkmark.png Checkmark1.png Checkmark1.png
PC80 / CPSA32 (Applied Instrument Technologies) Checkmark.png Checkmark1.png Checkmark1.png Checkmark2.png
HoloPRO (Kaiser Optical Systems) Checkmark.png Checkmark1.png Checkmark1.png
Symbion (Symbion Systems) Ask! Checkmark.png Checkmark1.png
LabView (National Instruments) Checkmark.png Checkmark.png Checkmark1.png
BridgeWorX (ICONICS) Checkmark2.png

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Checkmark.png = Supported natively requiring only Eigenvector Research software.
Checkmark1.png = Supported; requires Matlab license (from The Mathworks)
Checkmark2.png = Supported; special conditions apply (see application page or contact us)


  • For information about licensing and configuring of PLS_Toolbox for use in unattended applications, see our PLS_Toolbox Unattended Configuration page.
  • All products listed are trademarks of the corresponding company. Company details can be reached through the company links provided on each application's page linked above.
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