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Remove scatter from fluorescence EEM data.
- Xnew = flucut(X,LowZero,LowMiss,TopZero,TopMiss,options);
FLUCUT inserts a mixture of NaN and 0 values outside the data area of interest in an EEM (Excitation-Emission Matrix). FLUCUT may also be used to generate weights that can be used for deweighting scatter areas.
- first = first input is this.
- X = X-array of EEMs. X is size IxJxK, where I is number of samples, J emissions and K excitations. X has to be a DataSet object where the axisscales contain wavelengths where X.axisscale{2} corresponds to emissions (emi) in nm and X.axisscale{3} corresponds to excitations (exci) in nm.
- LowZero = Wavelength (nm): X(emi < exci-LowZero) are set to zero. Zeros here are good for speeding up, but can lead to artifacts if the zeros are too close to the emi==exci line. Use LowMiss.
- LowMiss = Wavelength (nm): the region where emi <= exci+LowMiss(1) are set to missing (i.e., NaN) to remove scatter. If LowMiss is a 2 element vector, then only the region down to emi >= exci-LowMiss(2) are also set to missing. However, the zeros set by LowZero supercede the missing setting.
- TopZero = nm above emi==2*exci which is set to zero {default is NaN meaning no zeros (to avoid second order signal to be biased to be zero)}.
- TopMiss = Similar to LowMiss but for emi==2*exci.
NOTE: In general, for all the above, setting the input to NaN, implies that the functionality is not imposed.
NOTE: The following inputs govern how data are set to missing and zero.
- LowZero and LowMiss are used to account for Rayleigh scatter, and
- TopZero and TopMiss are used to accound for 2nd order scatter.
- Xnew = New X-array with inserted NaN (for missing) and 0-values. Columns with only missing values are removed.
options = a structure array with the following fields:
- plots: [ 'off' | {'on'} ], governs level of plotting.
- MakeWts: [ {'off'} | 'on' ] If 'on', weights will be given that can be used to downweight areas of scatter e.g., in PARAFAC models. The weights will be held in the output dataset field 'userdata'. {default = 'off', do not make weights}
load dorrit Xnew = flucut(EEM,20,[20 20],NaN,NaN);