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Creates product combinations of columns of a DOE matrix.
- [xint,column_ID] = doeinteractions(x, column_ID)
Creates product combinations of columns of a DOE matrix.
- x = the raw DOE matrix (x) and
- column_ID = type of interactions to include in the final DOE as either:
- A scalar numerical value indicating the highest number of interacting factors to include (A value of 1 (one) indicates no interactions)
Example: [2] - A cell array of numerical vectors indicating which column(s) should be combined an in what way(s) to create the interaction terms.
Example: { [1] [2] [3] [1 3] }
Scalar cell entries will copy the specified column(s) directly from (x) into (xint). Vector cell entries will multiply the corresponding columns together to create the output column.
- xint = selected columns and column products from x based on column_ID.
- column_ID = cell array of interactions identical to the input (if a cell array was given as input) or created as needed for the given scalar interaction level (if scalar provided as input column_ID).
if the following column_ID value is used then xint will contain the first three columns of x (unmodified), followed by two additional columns which are the product of columns 1 and 2 and the product of columns 2 and 3, respectively.
column_ID = {[1] [2] [3] [1 2] [2 3]}