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Create or apply calibration and instrument transfer models.
- [transfermodel,x1t,x2t] = caltransfer(x1,x2,method,options)
- x2t = caltransfer(x2,transfermodel,options)
- [transfermodel,x1t,{x2t_1 x2t_2 x2t_3}] = caltransfer(x1,{{x2_1 x2_2 x2_3},method,options)
- {x2t_1 x2t_2 x2t_3} = caltransfer({x2_1 x2_2 x2_3},transfermodel,options)
CALTRANSFER uses one of the several transfer functions (methods) available in PLS_Toolbox to return a model and transformed data. The exact I/O is dictated by the transfer function (method) used.
- x1 = (2-way array class "double" or "dataset") calibration data (e.g., spectra from the standard instrument).
- x2 = (2-way array class "double" or "dataset") data to be transformed (e.g., spectra from the instrument to be standardized).
- method = (string) indicating which calibration transfer function (method) to use.
- Choices are:
- ds : Direct Standardization
- pds : Piecewise Direct Standardization
- dwpds : Double Window Piecewise Direct Standardization
- glsw : Generalized Least-Squares Weighting
- osc : Orthogonal Signal Correction
- alignmat : Matrix Alignment
- transfermodel = standard model structure containing the Calibration Transfervmodel (See Standard Model Structure).
- x1t = Calibration data returned. Depending on the type of calibration function (method) used this may or may not be transformed from the input data (x1).
- x2t = Transformed data.
options = structure array with the following fields:
- display : [ 'off' | {'on'} ] governs level of display to command window.
- blockdetails : [ 'compact' | {'standard'} | 'all' ] extent of data included in model. 'standard' = none, 'all' x-block.
- preprocessing : {[] []} Preprocessing structures for x- and y-blocks (see PREPROCESS).
NOTE: There are sub-structures for each 'method'. These sub structures include both the input parameters (any additional inputs needed by the function) as well as optional inputs (the options structure for that particular function). For more information on inputs to each method see the help for that function (e.g., help stdgen). Examples of using the substructures:
OSC requires a y-block in addition to (x1) and (x2). The y-block should be assigned via the options structure:
- opts.osc.y = yblock;
To assign window widths for DWPDS:
- = [5 3];