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Calculation of pure variables.
- [purint,purspec] = purity(data,ncomp,options);
- [model] = purity(data,ncomp);
- [purint,purspec] = purity(data,ncomp,model);
- [model] = purity(data,model);
PURITY calculates pure variables and resolves data into ncomp spectra of the pure components purspec and their contributions purint. For more information about the algorithm see PURITYENGINE. Data can be a matrix with the data or a dataset object.
The output arguments purity_values contains the purity values for all the variables and can be plotted as the "purity spectrum". The argument length_values contains the purity_values multiplied by the length of the variables. This results in a "length spectrum" that is easier to relate to the original data than the purity spectrum
options = a structure array with the following fields:
- display: ['off'|{'on'}] display to command window.
- plot: ['off'|{'on'}] plotting of result.
- axistype: {2x1} [char]
- Mode 1: [{continuous}|'discrete'|'bar']
- Mode 2: [{continuous}|'discrete'|'bar'] defines plots. If emtpy the values of the (future) DSO field will be used in case they are not defined, the 'continuous' defaults will be used.
- select: [{[]},[1 2]] if empty, pure rows/columns will be selected from last slab, otherwise, the numbers identify from which slab(s) the pure rows/columns are selected.
- offset: [3 10] default noise correction factor for the two slabs.
- offset_row2col: 3 scalar value row2col offset, default is offset(1).
- mode: ['rows',{'cols'},'row2col'] determines if pure rows, cols are selected. row2col 2 is row-to-column solution.
- algorithm: 'purityengine' defines algorithm used.
- interactive: ['on',{'off'}, defines interactivity; 'on', 'cursor','inactivate','reactivate'] 'reactivate', 'cursor', 'inactivate', 'reactivate' are used for higher level calls for interactivity,'off' is used for demos and command mode applications.
- resolve: ['off'|{'on'}] indicates if the resolved results are required or not.
Resolving 4 components in a data set:
The core algorithm is the function purityengine.