Programming Utilities

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besttime - Returns a string describing the time interval provided (in seconds).
cellne - Compares two cells for inequality in size and/or values.
comparevars - Compares two variables of any type and returns differences.
contents - Mfile of functions to enable Matlab helpwin.
encode - Translates a variable into matlab-executable code.
erdlgpls - Error dialog.
evrirelease - Returns Eigenvector product release number.
evriscript - Create a chain of steps where each step applies a single pls_toolbox function.
exportfigure - Automatically export figures to an external program.
figbrowser - Browser with icons of all Matlab figures.
findindx - Finds the index of the array element closest to value r.
getdatasource - Extract summary dataset info.
getmlversion - Returns current Matlab version as an integer.
getplspref - Get overriding options (preferences) for PLS_Toolbox functions.
lddlgpls - Dialog to load variable from workspace or MAT file.
moveobj - Interactively reposition graphics objects.
helppls - Context related help on the PLS_Toolbox.
readme - Release notes for PLS_Toolbox.
reversebytes - Flips order of bytes in a word.
setplspref - Set overriding options (preferences) for PLS_Toolbox functions.
string_x - Add backslash before troublesome TeX characters.
svdlgpls - Dialog to save variable to workspace or MAT file.

(Sub topic of Categorical_Index)

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