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Check the Eigenvector Research web site for PLS_Toolbox updates.
- outofdate = evriupdate(umode, product)
- evriupdate settings
Check Eigenvector.com for available PLS_Toolbox updates. EVRIUPDATE checks the Eigenvector Research web site for the most current PLS_Toolbox release version number. This is compared to the currently installed version. A message reporting the availability of an update is given as necessary. Input (product) will check for an individual product for umodes 0-2.
The input (product) can be any standard Eigenvector Research product name (underscores included) or the keyword 'all' to check for all installed products.
The optional input (umode) can be any of the following:
- 'auto': perform an automatic check based on Auto Check settings
- 'settings': Gives GUI to modify the automatic check settings
- 'prompt': prompt user before performing check - includes prompt to allow user to modify settings.
or (umode) one of the following levels of automatic reports:
- 0 : give dialog stating if new version is available or not
- 1 : give dialog ONLY if a new version is available
- 2 : gives no dialog messages - only returns output flag (see below)
- 3 : give dialog of all products installed and version info.
- 4 : give dialog of all products from EVRI and versions.
- 5 : give dialog of all products but ONLY if a new version is available
The default mode is 4.
The output (outofdate) will be 0 (zero) if the installed products are current, 1 (one) if the installed version is out of date and -1 if evriupdate could not retrieve the most current version number.