Demonstration Datasets

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List of DataSets

The following is a list of the data supplied with PLS_Toolbox. It consists of the name of the file (all end in ".mat" unless otherwise specified) along with a brief description of the contents of the given file. Each file may contain one or more variables to be used.

alcohol Biological fluid analysis of alcoholics for discriminant analysis.
aminoacids AMINOACIDS Fluorescence EEM of 5 samples for PARAFAC.
arch ARCH Archeological artifact data set for PCA amd SIMCA examples.
bread Sensory evaluation of breads.
dorrit DORRIT EEM of 27 samples with 4 flourophores for PARAFAC.
etchdata Engineering process data from semiconductor metal etch (MPCA).
fia UV detection of Flow Injection Analysis of hydroxy-benzaldehyde (n-way data: sample, wavelength, time).
FTIR_microscopy FTIR microscopy transect spectra of a three-layer polymer laminate.
halddata HALDDATA Hald cement curing data.
lcms LC/MS electrospray of 15 surfactant solution.
lcms_compare1 Select data from LC/MS electrospray data set.
lcms_compare2 Select data from LC/MS electrospray data set.
lcms_compare3 Select data from LC/MS electrospray data set.
MS_time_resolved Direct probe time profile MS of three color-coupling compounds.
MS_time_resolved_references Reference spectra of pure compounds from MS_time_resolved.
nir_data NIR_DATA NIR spectra of pseudo gasoline samples for STDDEMO.
nmr_data NMR_DATA NMR data for GRAM demo.
octane NIR spectra and octane number values of 39 gasoline samples.
oesdata OESDATA Optical emission spectra from metal etch.
paint PAINT Non-linear paint formulation data.
pcadata PCADATA Slurry Fed Ceramic Melter data.
plsdata PLSDATA SFCM data for PCR and PLS demos.
plslogo PLSLOGO Data used to construct the PLS logo.
projdat PROJDAT Projection demo data for PROJDEMO.
pulsdata Time series data from a Slurry Fed Ceramic Melter for PLSPULSM demo.
raman_time_resolved Raman spectra of a time resolved reaction.
sawdata SAWDATA Surface acoustic wave sensor data.
statdata STATDATA Data sets for ANOVA and statistics STATDEMO.
sugar SUGAR Fluorescence EEM N-way data set.
wine WINE Wine demographic data set for PCA example.
wineregion Metal Composition of Wines for classification by region.
redbeerdata.xls REDBEERDATA.XLS Example spreadsheet for "Intro to MATLAB".
areadrdemtext.txt AREADRDEMTEXT.TXT Text file used by AREADRDEMO.
xclreadrdata.txt XCLREADRDATA.TXT Text file used by XCLREADRDEMO.

How to Load Demo Data

For MAT files, the easiest way to load demo data is using the Load Dialog Box:

  1. From the file menu Load Data (or Import Workspace/MAT File).
  2. When the dialog box appears click the From File button.
  3. Type the name of the demo MAT file to loaded and hit the return key.
  4. Select the variables to be loaded and click the Load button.

Load Demo Data

(Sub topic of PLS_Toolbox_Topics)

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