Analysis Window: Control Pane

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Analysis window Control pane

The Control pane contains two distinct parts-a row of tabs and the Control pane itself. The Control pane contains controls that are used in manipulating the model settings such as number of factors in a model or other parameters. In many cases, the Control pane also displays the Percent Variance Captured table or other statistical information for the model.

For some analysis methods (such as MCR or PARAFAC), the Control pane displays the variance that was captured for only the included components. For other analysis methods (such as PCA, PLS, or PCR), the Control panel displays the variance that was captured for both the included and excluded components. When available, the right most column of the Variance Captured table will indicate current (the current number of components in the model) and suggested number of components (using Choosecomp). Clicking on a row in the table will change the number of components and the model must be recalculated.

The row of tabs is located directly above the Control pane. The tabs in the tab row are analysis-specific controls that determine what is displayed in the Control pane. For example, Variable Selection is available for regression methods.

Analysis window Control pane
Control pane.png
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