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Calculates PCA confidence limits for Hotelling's T2.


tsqcl = tsqlim(m,pc,cl)
tsqcl = tsqlim(model,cl)


Inputs can be in one of two forms:

(a) the number of samples m, the number of principal components used pc, and the fractional confidence limit, cl (0 < cl < 1) which can be a scalar or a vector (to calculate multiple confidence limits simultaneously).

or (b) a standard model structure, model, and the fractional confidence limit, cl (0 < cl < 1).

The output tsqcl is the confidence limit based on an F distribution as shown below. See Jackson (1991).

    T_{K,M,\alpha }^{2}=\frac{K\left( M-1 \right)}{M-K}{{F}_{K,M-K,\alpha }}

where K is the number of PCs, M is the number of samples and FK,MK is the F distribution with K degrees of freedom in the numberator and MK degrees of freedom in the denominator, and probability point α.


tsqcl = tsqlim(15,2,0.95)
model = pca(data,pc); tsqcl = tsqlim(model,0.95)

See Also

analysis, ftest, pca, pcr, pls

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