AnalysisWindow Toolbar

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Analysis window toolbar

For any analysis method, the Analysis window toolbar always contains the following toolbar buttons:

  • A Workspace Browser button Workspace Browser icon.png.
  • A Plot scores and sample statistics button Plot scores sample statistics icon.png.
  • An Edit Analysis Methods Options button EA Method Options toolbar button.png. This button opens the Options dialog box, which lists options for controlling the settings that are specific to the currently selected analysis method such as confidence limits settings, algorithm selections, and constraints. Some analysis methods have more options than others. See Options dialog box.

The Analysis window toolbar is updated dynamically with other toolbar buttons based on the selected analysis mode. These toolbar buttons carry out actions or open tools that produce plots and other visual aids that assist you in examining a model. Place your mouse pointer over a toolbar button to open tooltip text for the button.

Example of various Analysis windows toolbars
AnalysisWindow Toolbar.15.1.4.jpg
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