Multiway Exploratory Analysis
From Eigenvector Documentation Wiki
Visited: Multiway Exploratory Analysis
The following are top-level functions which are used for exploratory analysis of multi-way data (data with 3 or more modes.)
Primary Multiway Tools
- analysis - Graphical user interface for data analysis.
- mpca - Multi-way (unfold) principal components analysis.
- gram - Generalized rank annihilation method.
- parafac - Parallel factor analysis for n-way arrays.
- parafac2 - Parallel factor analysis for unevenly sized n-way arrays.
- tld - Trilinear decomposition.
- tucker - Analysis for n-way arrays.
Lower-level Multiway Utilities
- outerm - Computes outer product of any number of vectors.
- corcondia - Evaluates consistency of PARAFAC model.
- coreanal - Analysis of the core array of a Tucker model.
- corecalc - Calculate the Tucker3 core given the data array and loadings.
- modelviewer - Visualization tool for multi-way models.
- nassign - Generic subscript assignment indexing for n-way arrays.
- nindex - Generic subscript indexing for n-way arrays.
- unfoldm - Rearranges (unfolds) an augmented matrix to row vectors.
- unfoldmw - Unfolds multiway arrays along specified order.
(Sub topic of exploratory analysis)