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Finds pts on the exterior of a normalized data space.
- [isel,loads] = exteriorpts(x,ncomp,options)
Given a two-way or higher-order data set (X), the most exterior samples or variables are identified and their indices returned.
When the loads output is requested, the data (X) are assumed to be modelable as: X = CS' + E If the non-negative least squares option is used, C and S are also assumed to be all positive.
- x = MxN matrix.
- ncomp = number of components to extract.
Optional Inputs
- options = a standard options structure containing one or more of the fields discussed in the Options section below.
- isel = if selectdim option was non-empty, isel is a vector of the selected indices. Otherwise, isel is a cell array with the indices selected on each mode of the data.
- loads = cell array with extracted pts/factors. Modes other than selectdim are determined via projection.
options = a structure array with the following fields:
- selectdim: [1] mode of the data from which items should be selected (i.e. 1=rows, 2=columns, ...) If empty [], all modes are analyzed and the mode with the largest sum-squared captured value is used.
- waitbar: [ 'off' | 'on' | {'auto'} ] governs of waitbar while processing. 'auto' uses waitbar only if multiple modes are being analyzed with nway data.
- minnorm: [ 0.03 ] approximate noise level, points with unit area smaller than this (as a fraction of the maximum value in x) are ignored during selection.
- usepca: [{'no'}| 'yes' ] governs use of PCA as a pre-filtering step on the data prior to selection.
- usennls: [{'no'}| 'yes' ] governs use of non-negative least squares when calculating loadings for other-than-sample modes. Only used when (loads) output is requested.
- distmeasure: [ {'Euclidian'} | 'Mahalanobis' ] Governs the type of distance measurement to use. Mahalanobis requires the usepca option to be 'yes'.
- samplemode: [ 1 ] mode that contains variance (factors for other modes are normalized to unit 2-norm). Only used when loads output is requested.