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Copies informational fields between datasets and/or model structures.
- to = copydsfields(from,to,modes,block)
Copies all informational fields from one DataSet to another, one model structure to another, or between DataSets and model structures. This function copies the fields: label, class, classlookup, title, axisscale, and include as well as the "<field>name" assosciated with each (e.g., classname). If copying to or from a model structure, the fields to be copied from/to are sub-fields of the detail field.
from = DataSet or model structure from which fields should be copied.
to = DataSet or model structure to which fields should be copied.
Optional Inputs
modes = modes (dims) which should be copied {default: all modes}. (modes) can be a cell of {[from_modes] [to_modes]} to allow cross-mode copying.
block = data block of model from/to which information should be copied {default = 1, i.e., block 1}. otions.block can also be a cell of {[from_modes] [to_block]} to allow cross-block copying. This setting has no effect with two DataSet objects.
to = the updated DataSet or model structure.
mydataset2 = copydsfields(mydataset1, mydataset2);
copies all fields for all modes of (mydataset1) into (mydataset2) (copies set 1 only).
mydataset2 = copydsfields(modl, mydataset2, {2 1});
copies all fields from mode 2 (variables) of (modl) into (mode 1) of (mydataset2).
modl = copydsfields(mydataset,modl,1,{1 2});
copies all fields for mode 1 / samples from set 1 of (mydataset) into block 2 (e.g. y-block) of the model structure (modl).