Image File Readers
From Eigenvector Documentation Wiki
Listed below are file readers and tools for importing images.
File Readers
- camecaeval - Assess information in each mass in a Cameca Ion-Tof file.
- camecard - Read Cameca Ion-Tof file into MATLAB.
- lispixrawreadr - Import Lispix Raw formatted image.
- opotekenvirdr - Reads OPOTEK ENVI image files.
- opotektiffrdr - Reads OPOTEK multi-layer TIFF files.
- rawread - Imports Physical Electronics .raw files.
Import Tools
- clipboard_image - Copy and paste images to/from the system clipboard.
- image_folder_load - Load all image files in a selected directory as cell array of image DSOs.
- imageload - GUI to select, build, then load a image DSO into the DataSet Editor.