Cat img gui
From Eigenvector Documentation Wiki
The image concatenation GUI can be used to join images in spatial dimensions or variable dimensions. It's important to consider carefully which domain, spatial or variable, you wish to concatenate in. The spatial domain is unfolded into a single mode (dimension) when analyzed and then folded, when appropriate, for display. The variable domain is always unfolded.
The image domain buttons provide concatenation in:
- X dimension (mode 2) latterly.
- Y dimension (mode 1) vertically.
- Z dimension (mode 3) as slabs.
- Tiled as m x m tiled squares (modes 1 and 2).
The variable domain buttons provide concatenation in:
- Existing dimension (mode) where a list box will appear to select a mode if more than one exists.
- New dimension (mode).
When dealing with irregular/mismatched image sizes, remaining area will be marked as NaN and excluded (in the DSO).